Wednesday, January 29, 2014


More often than not, we are on a good run. Our routines are working perfectly for us, our health and bodies feel like they have their act together and our energy is abundant.
This past week I have learnt to listen to my body and my instincts. 

Maybe I needed a reminder that my routine won't always run smoothly, that there will be things that I have no control over, and will need to quite simply, go with the flow.

If you feel tired or lethargic, take the time to rest. If your mind and body can't get up that extra hour early, sleep in. If you really feel like that piece of chocolate, have it. We start to want and crave these things for a reason, and sometimes I think if we ignore these impulses, its to our disadvantage.

The health and fitness gods aren't going to strike you down because you skipped a session, to rest and recuperate. Friends and family aren't going to disown you, because you've chosen to spend some time with yourself and to relax and enjoy your own company.

If you are experiencing a busy week, and all you feel like doing is going for a light walk - do that. Scrambled eggs for dinner? Totally acceptable.

When you listen to yourself, you will start to feel like you're back on track and ready to face anything.

Things I have learnt this week:

* If it doesn't feel right, then it's not

* Be honest, be assertive

* Family is amazing

* A simple thank you speaks volumes

* Trying to breakdance will quite literally result in popping a rib

* Ignoring said popped rib will only make you cranky

* Eating a big dinner before Yoga will not compliment your downward dog

* Choosing to watch The Vampire Diaries over reading an intellectually stimulating book was a good choice

* Naps on the couch...enough said

What have you learnt this week?

The scene of the breakdancing crime

Words: My Own
Image: Pinterest | My Own

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